Saturday, February 15, 2020

Employee motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employee motivation - Essay Example Making an employee feel that they are working towards a better result for themselves and the company, is the best way for an organization to initiate motivation among their work force and offer the best results in relation to the productivity that the company is able to achieve. Though the issue of employee motivation involves the entire organization as a whole, the main people who are involved in ensuring that this motivation exists are the individuals in management positions. This is because they are the ones who deal directly with the different sections of the work force and thus are in an advantageous position to better understand the employees and what it will take to sufficiently motivate them to work harder (Allen & Heidi, 2011). The managers in the company are also in a sense directly responsible for the attitude that employees will have towards the organization as they are deemed to be the representatives of the company. Thus, their treatment of their subordinates technically reflects how the company views their employees (Jon & Paul, 2009). This means that if the employees are mistreated on a frequent basis or are simply treated with callousness by their superiors, they will automatically assume that the company does not care about them. This is n ot concerned about their wellbeing despite the fact that the employees of higher positions may not even be informed of what is going on within the lower ranks as they may have put their trust on those appointed to take care of the work force and see no need for vigorous supervision of their activities. However, ignorance has still no excuse for the poor treatment of a company’s work force. It is the organization’s duty to ensure that their employees’ morale remains high and should track their attitude and level of motivation on a frequent basis to ensure that this goal is not only achieved, but maintained (Jon & Paul, 2009). This can be done by concentrating on

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